pARTy with PHriends
78th Street Studios
Where: 1300 West 78th Street, Cleveland, Ohio 44102
When: Friday September 13, 2024, 7:00PM
Join the Providence House PHriends for an exciting evening of delicious appetizers, wine, and beer from various Cleveland favorites, as well as beautiful artwork from local artists and the children staying at Providence House!
Each guest will receive a pARTy with PHriends wine or beer glass to use at the event and then take home!
The event features an incredible assortment of raffle baskets and Providence House children's artwork available for purchase.
Help PHriends support the Providence House mission of keeping kids safe and families together, embracing them with support to enhance stability and strengthen communities.
Each guest who purchases a General Admission Ticket will receive two drinks (beer or wine).
We also have a Designated Driver Ticket available for $35.
about the kids, families and volunteers of Providence House.
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