Providence House


Providence House Expands To Help More Children

Posted December 14, 2012 in Articles

Author: Jim McIntyre, CBS Radio

The ribbon has been cut for phase one of the “Protect the Promise” expansion at Providence House.

The crisis nursery opened its doors 31 years ago, providing a safe haven for babies and children in imminent danger. It gives the children a place to be loved and cared for while their parents are getting the help they need.

President and CEO Natalie Leek-Nelson was joined by Mayor Frank Jackson, Councilman Joe Cimperman and Santa Claus at the ribbon cutting.

Sister Hope Greener, who founded Providence House in 1981 was also at the ribbon cutting.

The first phase of the project included renovating Leo’s House and adding a new wing. The expansion will allow older siblings of the children being cared for at Providence House stay under the same roof with their younger brothers and sisters.

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