Providence House

Direct Care Services

When children stay with us, they are cared for by an excellent staff of highly trained early childcare professionals, Licensed Social Workers, and volunteers.

Direct Care Services

Professional Childcare
Trained Providence House childcare staff ensure that each child receives the individual adult attention and nurturing that they need.

Assigned Childcare Model
Every child is assigned their own childcare worker on each shift to reinforce attachment and bonding and provide the individual nurturing that children need during their temporary, short-term separation from their parents or guardians.

Maintaining Community Connections
Our goal is to keep every child as connected to their community and family as possible, so we take them to and from their community school and/or appointments, and link them to any new services and supports as close as possible to their own communities so they can easily remain engaged with these services after they leave us.

PHoundations for Success Program
Licensed Social Workers, along with childcare staff, plan daily lessons, activities, and community field trips to enhance each child’s early learning skills, reinforce developmental milestones, focus on school readiness, and provide children with positive exposure to their community.

Developmental Milestone Enhancement
Children receive evidence-based developmental assessments, administered by our Social Workers. Based on the results, our Social Workers then develop an activity plan to target growth in areas where the child is not performing at the expected level. Children may also be referred to community agencies that can provide ongoing intervention and support.

Healthy Living Skills
Each day, the children we serve practice healthy living skills appropriate to their age and development. Childcare workers provide many opportunities for children to successfully practice skills related to personal care, nutrition, and self-soothing.

On-Site Therapies
Speech, hearing, physical, developmental, and emotional therapies are delivered on-site by licensed qualified professionals as needed.
