Services for Families
Case Management / Aftercare
Case management services provided by our agency are integral to the family preservation process.
Licensed Social Workers begin building rapport and trust with parents/guardians and referring agency workers during the admission process, while social history information is gathered and our understanding of the families’ crises and need for immediate services becomes clearer. Any previously established community social service supports or links are identified to create a team approach in supporting the family towards the goal of resolving the crisis that initiated their child’s admission. Through diligent service provision, appropriate recommendations are made at discharge for either preservation, ongoing monitoring by protective services, or foster care placement.
Child-Based Case Management
It is our goal that a child’s stay at Providence House will have a lasting positive impact on their growth, development, and sense of safety and security. Assessments are completed to identify signs of distress or maladjustment, generate referrals for ongoing services, and tailor each parent/guardian’s education sessions to the developmental stage of each child.
Family Preservation Engagement Plan
While our program is offered to children and families at no charge, parents/guardians must adhere to a Family Preservation Engagement Plan, which outlines required participation in visitation, case management, and support sessions to address issues that affect their child’s safety and their own wellness.
Referrals and Service Linkage
Licensed Social Workers and parents/guardians identify unmet needs and community services the parents/guardians should or would like to receive. Social Workers refer the family to agencies to resolve the family’s crisis and support long-term stability.
Family Service Planning
During case management sessions, parents/guardians and Social Workers establish goals for the child’s stay to improve parent/guardian and child connectedness, family stability, and well-being.
Discharge Planning
Discharge planning is coordinated throughout the child’s stay to ensure that a child can safely reunite with their parent/guardian and that the family has ongoing community service engagement.
Our Aftercare program is a voluntary twelve-month program to monitor family progress and stability following discharge. The goal of this program is to offer clients support through continued contact with the agency, referrals to support family stability, and basic needs items such as children’s clothes, diapers, toys, or household supplies as they are available.
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Learn about our Client Rights Policy and how to contact our Client Advocate.
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