Providence House

Parent Support & Education

Providence House is focused on identifying each parent/guardian’s individual strengths and areas of growth while providing for meaningful contact between the parent/guardian and child.

Parent Support & Education

All parents/guardians who have admitted their children in our care regularly visit their children throughout their stay at Providence House and participate in individualized and group parent education sessions led by Licensed Social Workers with hands-on reinforcement activities based on their individual needs. Family contact is also supported by childcare staff who serve as peer mentors for parents/guardians directly regarding the care, development, and behaviors of their child.

Parenting Assessment
An evidence-based assessment of parenting risk factors and skills gaps is completed and used as a baseline to develop a unique parenting curriculum based on the needs of each family.

Individualized Parent Education Sessions
Based on parenting assessments and feedback on skill gaps, individual, private, hands-on education sessions are included in each family’s plan.

Group Education Sessions
Monthly group sessions use an evidence-based curriculum to address parents’/guardians’ emotional needs while developing their understanding of how family crises can affect their ability to parent effectively.

Family Visitation
Throughout a child’s stay, parents/guardians visit with their children at least twice per week. Visits that take place on-site may be supervised by Social Workers as part of our parent education program, or take place in private rooms in our Family Center. If parents/guardians are able, and it is a safe option, parents/guardians may take their children on day-long visits off-site and, after one week of engagement in our services, for up to two nights off-site per week.
