Sister Hope Greener, CSJ, opens Providence House in a 3-room house on West 44th Street.
Providence House moves to West 32nd Street, acquiring what is now Elisabeth’s House and beginning renovations.
Providence House begins serving 5 infants and toddlers at a time on West 32nd Street.
Daisy, our first full-time childcare worker, is hired. After 31 years, Daisy retired in the Spring of 2016!
Providence House completes our first expansion and can care for 15 children at a time.
Ohio Savings Bank celebrates its 100th anniversary by purchasing an additional house on West 32nd Street to expand Providence House services.
Leo’s House opens to care for 26 children at a time. Leo’s House is named in honor of Leo Goldberg, founding father of Ohio Savings Bank, and Leo Greener, Providence House Founder Sr. Hope Greener’s father.
Linda Perry is named Executive Director of Providence House.
Providence House and the Cleveland Browns become the eleventh team member to join the Courage House National Support Network for embracing and supporting children in the local community faced with abuse, neglect and risk due to family crisis.
Natalie Leek is named President and CEO.
Providence House launches our Family Preservation Services beginning with parent visitation and education services.
Providence House leads a legislative effort to expand services to children newborn through age 12 for up to 90 days.
Providence House becomes a Trauma-Informed Care Environment, and Social Workers become Trauma Certified Consultants.
Leo’s House expansion is complete. Providence House serves 20 children at a time, newborns up to 10 years old.
Elisabeth’s House opens, hosting the Prentiss Pediatric Crisis Nursery to serve 10 children at a time with medical needs, and the Family Center in a separate wing.
Our Giving Hope for the PHuture campaign launches to open a 20-bed Crisis Nursery and Family Resiliency Center in the Buckeye-Shaker Neighborhood.
Providence House service expansion continues with our Emergency Placement and Community Referral Programs.
Providence House launches telehealth services, home deliveries, and virtual visits and programming in response to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Construction begins on our new 20-bed Crisis Nursery wing at our Providence House East Campus, which will be called Hope's House.
We celebrated the completion of construction on our new East Campus Crisis Nursery, which will enable us to serve 250 additional children each year once opened!