Background Check Service
Partnering With You to Help Build Safer Communities
Local organizations, nonprofits, and groups can use the background check services available at Providence House. Screen staff and volunteers who work with children and other vulnerable populations through this efficient, convenient, and affordable web-based fingerprinting service.
Why partner with Providence House?
Providence House is a licensed Family Preservation Crisis Nursery that keeps kids safe and families together, embracing them with support to enhance stability that strengthens communities. With more than 40 years of experience in caring for children in crisis, Providence House is committed to helping you make our community the safest that it can be.
WebCheck Fingerprinting Services
Through WebCheck, Providence House will securely transmit your staff, volunteer, or employment candidate’s fingerprints and other data to Ohio BCI and/or FBI to determine if an individual has a criminal record. BCI/FBI then issues a background report directly to your organization to help you make critically safe hiring decisions quickly and with confidence.
about the kids, families and volunteers of Providence House.
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